We are Going to SaaS Nation 2018

We’ve got two news for you and they’re both good:)
The first one is that we’ve already bought our train tickets and packed up to one of the biggest SaaS conferences in Eastern Europe — SaaS Nation organized by Octopus Events and Netpeak Group.
The second one will be disclosed at the end of the article so just wait and you’ll be rewarded.
Why SaaS Nation? You know that there are so many SaaS conferences right now and their number is still growing that you may choose even which continent to visit. So, let’s have a closer look.
SaaS conferences worldwide
Sometimes it seems that SaaS conferences are almost monopolized by Jason M.Lemkin, the founder of SaaStr. SaaStr Annual, SaaStr Europa and (teaser) SaaStr East are all his brainchildren. But in reality, it means only that SaaStr is already a quality mark of the highest level of organization and the striking selection of top speakers which explains a great number of successful SaaS startups as attendees.
The range of cities is as impressive: San Francisco, Paris and Singapore.
If you’ve missed SaaStr Europa, read a report of our CEO Vladimir Polo about it, it’s really worth visiting! There is one more European conference — SaaS Stock in Dublin which hosts about 3000 attendees from 50 countries. Beside the fruitful interaction of SaaS enthusiasts, you also get to enjoy the Irish spirit of Dublin as a bonus.
SaaS Nation
SaaS Nation is the only conference for SaaS business in Ukraine where SaaS product companies from Ukraine and CIS countries may get together to exchange their experience. Its growth is snowballing which makes it a must-go for those highly interested in joining the biggest SaaS community in Eastern Europe.
Flashback to SaaS Nation 2017
Last year we took part in SaaS Nation 2017 and it was a blast! It hosted hundreds of attendees from SaaS startups and 13 great speakers:

At SaaS Nation 2017, AcademyOcean was one of the partners of the conference and provided our academy builder to the organizers who made a SaaS academy on its basis for all the participants of the conference which contained all useful presentations and recordings from previous conferences.
Besides SaaS experts sharing their experience in presentations there were two types of meetups:
- sales oriented roundtable discussions;
- marketing discussions.
During the conference participants managed to reserve 30-minute slots with some of their current customers to meet them in person and had some time to pitch to their potential customers with demos of their SaaS startup’s products.
SaaS Nation 2018
This year it’s going to be held in Kiev again and we’ll definitely attend. Needless to say that the organizers promise to outperform. The success of the previous years confirms it’s possible.
We won’t say that for SaaS enthusiasts it’s a great chance for networking. Because it’s much more than that. Just think that what you get:
- lots of attendees from 50 countries are expected: SaaS founders, executives, VCs, investors from Ukraine and from abroad;
- 10 hours of intensive networking comprising of panel discussions with experts, coffee-breaks, lunch and after-party for all the participants;
- you can attend meetups and share your growth hacks;
- you get exposure to the most focused audience of people operating in the same field and having the same ups and downs;
- you discover new and influential customers and can show them your demo to convert them into your potential clients;
- you get acquainted with the decision-makers from across the globe;
- you listen to experienced speakers about their stories of success;
- you may network and share your ideas with other SaaS founders;
There will be several keynote speakers to share their expertise:

Emeric Ernoult — CEO and Co-founder an AgoraPulse (France).

At SaaS Nation 2017 Eric told us how to scale a SaaS startup without VC funding. This year he’s prepared one more interesting case to share for SaaS Nation 2018 too.
David Braun — CEO at Weblium and TemplateMonsters.

David Braun is a famous public activist and IT entrepreneur. He’s co-founded Template Monsters, Weblium and launched lots of IT projects. He’s a Customer Success Techniques specialist and moderates telegram channel Sales Hero about sales, marketing and business.
Will Holden — Intercom Sales Development Manager.

Will is Intercom’s Sales Development Manager. Prior to Intercom, he worked at Google managing new business sales and marketing. At Intercom, he’s responsible for lead generation and helps refine Intercom’s high-performing international sales organization.
And some more:
Peter Lyon — VP of Customer Success at Brightflag ;
David Braun — CEO at Weblium and TemplateMonsters;
Matt Roberts — Co-founder at ZOKRI;
Anna Belous — Head of Marketing at Competera;
Mikita Mikado — CEO and Co-founder at PanDadoc (USA);
Summer Lindman — Head of Customer Success at Talkable;
Bradley Kam — serial entrepreneur and CEO at Talkable (USA).
So, why are we going?
One year has passed and we’ve got our personal growth hacks to share with other SaaS founders, our team has grown and we wish to bring value to our community.
In brief, SaaS Nation 2018 for us is a chance to find out something new about boosting our SaaS and scaling its growth and to share our own achievements with others.
So, let’s meet at SaaS Nation 2018, exchange ideas, help each other grow and just relax at the after-party (which will be a hit) as we deserve it!
Do you remember we promised you two good news? Which is the second one?
We’ve got a promo code for 10% for our readers — AcademyOcean_SN.
Have we convinced you? Then, see you at our booth!