a title picture with update

July was hot 🔥, both literally and figuratively.

First things first: we attended the 8P Conference! Here is our team at our stand:

a photo of the team

(you have no idea how hard it was to get everyone together for this photo with all the things going on that day)

Check out our Facebook page for more pictures and a video from the conference.

AcademyOcean Updates

Now from fun to more useful stuff — July Updates:

1. From now on all the Academies hosted on our domain (*.academyocean.com) will be protected via SSL connection. This means your data just got even more secure than before.

2. Teaser Lessons are here!
This feature is mostly for Academy owners: now you can create courses with open lessons — this means these lessons are available to anyone without registration within the Academy.
Each course can have a number of teaser lessons (set up by the Academy owner). This open course is available via a special link in the Course Settings.

a photo of teaser lessons
  • Permanent Link always redirects to the Main Course
  • Use the slider to set the number of teaser lessons
  • The number of teaser lessons updates automatically when lessons and/or quizzes are added, deleted, or rearranged, with the following conditions:
  • The final two lessons are always locked
  • All lessons after a quiz are always locked

3. UI improvement: every course with a certificate will have a certificate icon indicating the reward at the end — more incentive for learners to go through it.

Psst... a small teaser on our upcoming updates: we are improving our quizzes, but don't tell anyone. Just kidding ;) Share away!

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