The enactment of New York City's advanced Automated Employment Decision Tool law, aimed at promoting equitable and impartial AI-driven hiring practices, prompted us to conduct a survey and we have a very interesting results - the law actually surged interest to AI technologies.

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A Paradigm Shift: NYC's Automated Employment Decision Tool Law

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for AI Education

Education Takes Flight: A 20% Surge in AI Courses

The Surprising Rise of AI Courses: Breaking Boundaries Amidst Regulation

Results and Analysis


This unprecedented surge can be attributed to the implementation of New York City's cutting-edge Automated Employment Decision Tool law to ensure fair and unbiased AI-powered hiring practices. Let's dive into the thrilling details and explore the remarkable impact of this emerging AI regulation.

In a groundbreaking turn of events, recent data from Google Trends has revealed an extraordinary spike in interest surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI). Specifically, the demand for AI-related tools, courses, and detectors has skyrocketed by a staggering 550% in just a month. 

A Paradigm Shift: NYC's Automated Employment Decision Tool Law

In the wake of NYC's AI regulation, the demand for AI detectors, AI for Learning and Development, Hiring Software AI, and AI Courses has exploded, reaching an astounding 550% growth within a mere 30-day period. This remarkable surge reflects an unprecedented thirst for AI knowledge and resources as individuals and companies scramble to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving technological landscape. It is a testament to AI's enduring allure and potential, even in the face of concerns about biases and discrimination.

Unleashing AI Potential: Embracing Education and Progress

Despite initial fears that AI regulation might dampen interest in AI courses, the data paints a different picture. Instead, the demand for AI courses has surged alongside the implementation of NYC's new AI regulations. This trend highlights a profound commitment to education and a belief in the power of AI to transform industries and create a more equitable future. The surge in interest showcases the resilience and determination of individuals to leverage AI for personal and professional growth, irrespective of potential biases.

Looking Ahead: A Bright Future for AI Education

As we navigate the uncharted waters of AI regulation, it becomes increasingly clear that the desire to acquire AI skills and knowledge still needs to be fulfilled. We can assume that New York City's groundbreaking AI regulation has acted as a catalyst, igniting an insatiable appetite for AI courses and resources. This surge in interest signifies a promising future for AI education and lays the foundation for a society that embraces AI's potential while ensuring fairness and inclusivity.

AI courses

Education Takes Flight: A 20% Surge in AI Courses

In an inspiring twist, the demand for AI courses has experienced an exhilarating 20% surge over the past 30 days. This striking rise reflects an unwavering thirst for knowledge and a persistent belief in the transformative power of AI. As individuals and organizations recognize AI's vast opportunities, they eagerly seek educational avenues to master this innovative field. The future of AI education shines brightly, with an engaged and motivated community ready to seize its potential.

A Paradigm Shift in Hiring: AI-Powered Solutions on the Rise

New York's AI regulation has generated awareness and stimulated demand for AI-powered hiring solutions. Requests for "Hiring Software AI" have witnessed an impressive 5% growth over the past 30 days as companies proactively seek cutting-edge tools to optimize their hiring processes. This paradigm shift highlights a collective drive to embrace AI to enhance employee selection, streamline operations, and foster a more inclusive workforce. The emerging AI regulation acts as a catalyst, propelling companies to explore AI-driven hiring software solutions actively.

Embracing the AI Evolution: A Testament to Progress

The surge in demand for AI education and hiring solutions in the face of AI regulation showcases an unwavering belief in progress and an eagerness to embrace AI evolution. Instead of succumbing to concerns, individuals and organizations are actively choosing to implement AI technologies in their training and recruitment processes. This courageous leap signifies a commitment to staying ahead of the curve and leveraging AI's potential to transform industries and shape a brighter future.

Looking Ahead: A Thriving AI Ecosystem

As New York's AI regulation continues to make waves, it is evident that the AI revolution is gaining momentum. The resounding interest in AI courses and AI-powered hiring software solutions underscores AI's growing relevance and impact in today's world. With a thriving ecosystem of AI enthusiasts, learners, and innovators, New York's AI regulation has acted as a catalyst, propelling the region into the forefront of AI-driven advancements. The future is brimming with possibilities as we witness the convergence of technology and human ingenuity.

AI detector

The Surprising Rise of AI Courses: Breaking Boundaries Amidst Regulation

Recent developments have spotlighted potential biases and discrimination within AI systems in a world increasingly shaped by Artificial Intelligence. One such development is the new legislation in New York City, which demands that companies prove their AI hiring software is free from sexist or racist tendencies. 

Understandably, concerns have emerged regarding the impact of these regulations on the popularity of AI courses, with fears of biases infiltrating the educational realm. However, an intriguing twist has unfolded, defying expectations: AI courses are holding their ground and soaring in popularity across various states. In this research, we'll dive into this captivating trend while also exploring how the new legislation has unaffected public perception of AI detectors.

We've tapped into the dynamic world of Google Trends to unravel the ongoing process. We meticulously analyzed data comparing the popularity of AI courses during two distinctive periods: from AI courses: (01.04.2023 – 06.07.2023) to AI courses: (06.07.2023– 13.07.2023). 

In tandem, we examined the corresponding data for AI detectors: AI detector: (01.04.2023 – 06.07.2023) and AI detector: (06.07.2023 – 13.07.2023). By blending these datasets, we aim to decipher the intricate relationship between the legislative landscape, public perception, and the soaring popularity of AI courses.

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AI courses (01.04.2023 – 06.07.2023)

AI detector (01.04.2023 – 06.07.2023)

AI courses: (06.07.2023 – 13.07.2023)

AI detector (06.07.2023 – 13.07.2023)



















































New Jersey





New York





North Carolina













































Results and Analysis

I would highlight only the most advanced and relevant States to avoid turning this material into a massive text. Each state unveils its unique perspective and trajectory, revealing the ever-evolving nature of AI's influence.

New York

Thus, in the vibrant state of New York, the popularity of AI courses experienced a significant jump, soaring from 7% to 17%. This surge reflects a remarkable increase in demand for AI knowledge and a strong desire to acquire AI skills. Conversely, AI detectors' popularity slightly decreased, slipping from 93% to 83%. It's fascinating to witness the contrasting paths these two aspects of AI have taken in the eyes of the public.


Heading over to the Golden State, California, the surge in interest for AI courses continued its momentum, climbing from 8% to 14%. On the other hand, the popularity of AI detectors remained relatively stable, dropping only slightly from 92% to 85%. Californians are wholeheartedly embracing the power of AI skills while maintaining a discerning eye towards AI detectors.


Now let's venture into the dynamic state of Texas. AI courses experienced a remarkable surge in popularity, soaring from 7% to 16%, indicating a strong desire for AI education and skills development. Conversely, the popularity of AI detectors decreased from 93% to 84%. Texans are captivated by the potential of AI courses while maintaining a consistent interest in AI detectors.


In  Washington, interest in AI courses reached new heights, skyrocketing from 9% to 24%. This significant increase showcases an unwavering hunger for AI knowledge and a dedication to acquiring AI skills. On the other hand, the popularity of AI detectors experienced a slight decline, dropping from 91% to 76%. Washingtonians are fully embracing the transformative power of AI courses while remaining mindful of the evolving landscape of AI detectors.

Automated Employment Decision

On the flip side, the data told a different story for AI detectors. Despite the legislation's aim to address biases in AI hiring software, public interest in AI detectors they have remained unchanged. This intriguing revelation suggests that the public recognizes the importance of regulation while maintaining a clear distinction between AI education and concerns about biases within AI systems.


The emergence of New York City's AI regulation has set off an exhilarating chain of events, catapulting AI into the forefront of public consciousness. The skyrocketing demand for AI detectors, AI courses, and related resources speaks volumes about society's unwavering fascination with the boundless possibilities of AI. As we journey forward, fueled by curiosity and a commitment to education, we can expect AI to continue shaping our world in profound and transformative ways.

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, a remarkable trend has emerged. The popularity of AI courses refuses to waver, defying concerns raised by recent regulations. This uplifting revelation showcases the unyielding public enthusiasm for acquiring AI skills or any other skills using AIs, despite the worries surrounding biases within AI systems. Moreover, the absence of a parallel surge in interest for AI detectors emphasizes the public's recognition of the distinct realms of education and regulation in the AI domain.

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The journey doesn't end here—stay tuned with AcademyOcean as we unravel the mysteries of AI, one revelation at a time! Also, consider the schedule a demo with our experts to learn more about the AcademyOcean AI tool built in our LMS.

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