What Scenarios Of Role Playing For Customer Service Training Should Be Brought To Automatic?

Everything is important when running a successful company. Every mistake is a huge step back and may have devastating results for your company. As reported by Forbes, poor customer service results in incomplete purchases, loss of clients, giving your brand a bad name, and boosting your competitors. As a result, your business will struggle to offer competition.
AcadeyOcean devotes so much attention to arranging training for customer service. The question has no supreme answer, but our customization comes in handy when working on difficult customer scenarios. It is hard to imagine a better preparation method for workers than role-play game training. Today, we will share excellent examples of role-play training to develop your business at any stage.
When You Don’t Know The Answer To A Customer's Question
The Defective Product Customer
Negative Feedback From A Customer On A Product Or A Brand
Put The Customer On Hold Or Call Back Later
The Customer Is Talking Inappropriately
Customer Wants To Speak With A Manager
What Are Role-Playing Scenarios?
Role-playing (RP) scenarios are modeled cases where employees split up roles, portraying clients, support personnel, etc. This approach is great for helping service personnel understand what customers want from a typical customer service situation. As a result of such simulations, you prepare for unexpected situations with consumers and feel their knowledge gaps.
RP is useful for onboarding or running an assessment test for your employees. A business owner can portray a client simulating an issue or problem, checking the employee`s reaction in specific situations under pressure.
Assume that you are a customer who wants to have a pc but has complex or unexpected questions. You will test how your team reacts to unforeseen cases and problems. RP games have proved excellent for training workers.
Most Common Role-Playing Scenarios
For your convenience, we will share popular customer service scenarios and answers. This list is a great starting point for your business to try RP scenarios and get the first results.
When You Don’t Know The Answer To A Customer's Question
Working with people means readiness to answer any consumer’s inquiries or questions. The world is not ideal, and knowing every answer is impossible. It is wise to expect people to have queries with unknown solutions. Such role-play situations for management are common, as providing help is vital. One can’t leave the customer's question without an answer and must offer a solution even without knowing the answer to the buyer's questions.
The case is unpleasant, and running role-play simulations can help a great deal in preparation. Analyze their mistakes after the simulation, as this will give them an understanding of how to act with actual clients.
Customer Issues On The Phone
Helping clients via phone differs from personal interactions. Each person is unique and may require different approaches to satisfy them. RP will teach your employees to provide quality help. Don't undervalue the impression you can give a person about your business via a phone call.
With a functioning call center, running a series of call center customer service scenarios test answers, and questions to grow your workers into real brand professionals is a wise idea. Training for retail employees is crucial for a company’s success.
The Defective Product Customer
Product quality is a variable to an extent. Expect you may encounter clients’ complaints about defective products. Don’t blame your customers, as blaming is counterproductive, even if the customer’s actions led to a problem. Be emphatic, as this will help to agree on product exchange instead of getting a refund. Ensure the support manager role-plays scenarios include this one.
Negative Feedback From A Customer On A Product Or A Brand
All company owners, at some point, encounter the need to deal with negative feedback. Teaching your employee to deal with negative feedback with dignity is crucial or you risk making an unpleasant incident a real problem. It may result in a product or even the whole brand failure.
Launch a series of giving feedback role-play scenarios and include various situations with workers encountering negative consumer feedback. This will help to prepare your team even for unpleasant and unexpected negative.
How To Say No To A Customer?
You will be getting lots of useful feedback from buyers. Don't expect all the feedback will be like this. Your workers will feel uncomfortable saying "No" to the clients. It can be done politely, comfortably, and confidently. Role-playing and sales training come in handy to help workers deal with that discomfort and avoid unpleasant situations.
Put The Customer On Hold Or Call Back Later
Putting on hold vs. calling back is a tricky matter requiring role-playing training. According to statistics, 65% of people prefer a callback, and 35% preferred staying on hold. Employees must be prepared to meet both types of people. In turn, nicely planned role-play will give them a hand in such cases with real clients. Focus on teaching your team to be polite & friendly and find what a person prefers.
Customer Asks You For A Favor
This case is similar to saying no to a client but has certain aspects. Every business encounters people who say, "Hey, please, can you do that for me just once?" This question can be about product features, price, etc. Giving a negative answer case feels bad and unpleasant. It is crucial to teach your employees not to give straightforward Nos. During role-play situations for management personnel, teach your team politeness. A polite answer or redirection to other services is an effective way to resolve the situation.
The Customer Is Talking Inappropriately
Cutting the cord on inappropriate talks from consumers is an art. Facing a dialogue with an angry customer is a part of the job. Workers must remember that their job is to retain clients, reduce stress, and de-escalate the situation by representing the solution, not the problem. Adding special handling customer complaints role-play scenarios to the training program is a great idea, as being the solution requires training and skill development.
Examples Of Difficult Situations In Customer Service
Customer service scenarios for training should include possible cases and situations. Don’t expect that you will prepare your employees for Everything. At the same time, this doesn’t mean you can’t try. The list of difficult client support scenarios includes
Impatient Customer
Things can escalate fast with such customers. A person made to wait for the product to arrive may lose temper. Plan a scenario including an employee playing a buyer, starting the simulation calmly but getting irritated, demanding a quicker delivery or even a refund. To resolve this matter, offer a discount for their next order and reassure a person you will deliver their current one as soon as possible.
Dissatisfied Customer
Dissatisfaction with various products and false expectations is pretty often. It can be a great example of irate customer examples. For example, you sold a TV. The client returned, claiming it didn't comply with the listed characteristics. Your employee must learn the nature of the dissatisfaction and unite with the client to resolve the issue. Some problems may be fixed by reading an instruction. An employee can help the client with their problem on-site. If the problem is serious, offer an alternative, but don't hesitate to issue a refund if things go bad.
Angry Customer
Why may you encounter an angry client, and what things are needed in the angry customer role-play script? Encountering an angry client is a negative experience, but you can smooth the corners. An angry client role-play script should teach employees to de-escalate things. Don’t let the anger grow, as it may lead to serious problems and consequences.
Practice employee active listening and calmness. An angry client may see your business as the problem itself. An angry client role play script should teach radiating friendliness and confidence that a company works for the client. Feeling of union helps to deal with anger.
Customer Wants To Speak With A Manager
Adhere to special company policies created beforehand. Without dedicated policies and scripts, let the consumer speak to the manager. An employee can try to alter the tone of this situation. A consumer asking for a manager shows care and desires to make a difference. This impact may be positive for your business. Teach employees to be friendly and calm to help drag the consumer on your side and resolve the problem. If this fails, and the client insists, it is better to let them contact the manager. Avoid any delays to de-escalate.
Wrapping Up
The question of what customers want from a typical customer service situation is pretty simple. They want quality service. The only way to achieve this is to work hard, arrange training sessions, and roleplay customer service. Employee skill is crucial for your business.
A skilled employee can bring new customers, retain current ones and add energy to the company. Employee training is the investment in people that results in benefits for businesses improving incomes, and building a brand.