✨Rolling to Remember 2022 with AcademyOcean | 2022 Update

Happy New Year, Friends!🎄
2022 was incredible! The AcademyOcean team wants to share with you the best moments and achievements of this year and recall the TOP features that appeared in the AcademyOcean LMS.
Let’s go!
So, in 2022 we:
Learned how strong we are 💪
February 24 divided the life of Ukrainians into before and after. Like all Ukrainian companies, AcademyOcean faced the reality of working during the war and steadfastly resisted them to become even stronger:
✅ Ensured employee safety,
✅ Secured autonomous operation during blackouts,
✅ Learned how to work remotely from 8 countries,
✅ We doubled our team numbers and have been reinforced by cool specialists.
All this helps us to continuously provide our customers with a modern smart learning platform and excellent service!
Launched a global social project 🌍

Training and development of Ukrainian specialists is our battle! The Coaching for Ukraine project has become a symbol of support from global HR and L&D experts, successful business owners, company coaches from Fortune, and the best LinkedIn Learning specialists.
☑ More than 3000 participants
☑ 21 training webinars
☑ Support of MinCult of Ukraine
By the way, the guys responsible for the project shared their experience launching a social project with Dev.ua.
The team is already preparing new webinars with awesome speakers for 2023. Join now!
We've received a lot of support 🙏
In August, AcademyOcean received funding from Google for Startups Ukraine Support Fund. We were selected among hundreds of companies to join Google for Startups Ukraine Support Fund as a young and promising startup 💙
New clients
In 2022, our platform was chosen by clients from 10 new countries, including Ukrainian companies.😍 This astonishing result proves that our people and business are the strongest and do not stop in front of difficulties!
Developed 65+ new features for the platform 🔥
Imagine, it's about 5-6 new features every month 🤩
The world never stops, and new technologies and approaches to learning are continuously emerging. But we try not just to follow trends but to look to the future and create them!
At AcademyOcean LMS, we take a scientific approach and develop new functionality, allowing you to create effective training programs for employees, clients, or partners.
Top features of 2022 from our team:
⭐ Video and audio answers
This feature will undoubtedly help bring learning and knowledge assessment to a new level!

Unlike dialogue simulators, where one has to choose pre-made answers, live video/audio answers will indicate the learners' real level of communication skills and confidence.
⭐ Homework center
It is a separate section on the platform containing all applications for manual tests and exam verification.

It significantly speeds up and simplifies the work of curators and administrators.
⭐ Exams 3.0
New settings and the central feature—exams checklists.

New settings and the main feature—checklists for checking exams. The supervisor can mark whether the learner's answer satisfies all the criteria. And then, the system itself will calculate the required points!
⭐ Grading system
Grades are a perfect gamification tool.

And it’s also a convenient way to track learners' skills and knowledge gaps.
⭐ Welcome pop-up
The new welcome pop-up allows for personalizing content and improving the learning pace.

The data collected through the welcome pop-up can be used to set up dynamic content or transferred to your CRM system.
⭐ Lesson change history
It is a pure pleasure to work with our course editor! You can view the history of changes in the lesson and, if necessary, return to the desired version.

Working together on the same content is very convenient 😍
⭐ New quizzes questions
We added 4 new types of questions in November.

Now, there are 14 types of tests available on AcademyOcean for you to implement your learning goals and ideas!
⭐ API and Webhooks
Automation is everything! The new API and Webhooks cover all the most famous cases (progress data, adding learners to the academy, auto-assignment to teams, and much more).
So, you can easily set up integrations and transfer the data required to CRM and other systems.
It was hard to stop because we love every feature :) You can find the full list of updates in our monthly updates! 😉
Went back to childhood 🙃
Finally, we are willing to share a soulful project that we carried out together with the team. We guessed each other from childhood photos, and everyone shared something about their childhood or the history of the picture they used.

We recommend trying something similar with your team. Such events help to relax in difficult times and unite the team 🥰
💙 Happy 2023, stay tuned!