Essentials of a Successful Team

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“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford

Firstly, let’s figure out why do so many organizations and companies think that teams and teamwork are the keys to their success? As in sport, teamwork is extremely important for competing in today's global market, where individual skills are not as important as a high level of teamwork. The main difference between the team and the group is that the first one produces synergy (1 + 1 = 11), and the second does not (1 + 1 = 2). What is synergy?

From Merriam-Webster’s dictionary synergy is the benefit that results when two or more team members work together to achieve something either one couldn't have achieved on its own. This usually happens due to existing time and resource constraints, as well as that one team member can’t have all the necessary knowledge and skills. This can be seen using the example of sports teams and orchestras. Synergy is also expressed as "the whole is greater than the sum of its parts." It is produced when employees effectively cooperate with each other on the basis of common aspirations, values, and complementary skills.

Building a productive team

What are the Characteristics of a Successful Team?

Uniting people in a productive and successful team is crucial to organizational success. An effective team can achieve remarkable results and drive growth. Let's explore some essential traits and characteristics that can guide a team to success.

Goal-Oriented Mindset

A shared sense of purpose and goals drives a fruitful team. Every person is aligned with objectives and actively works towards achieving them. They are motivated, focused, and constantly strive for excellence. It is what builds teams that work.

Commitment to Their Roles

Individual team members are committed to their roles and duties. When people see the weight of their contributions and actively engage in their assigned tasks. This commitment ensures that everyone fulfills their obligations and delivers high-quality work, resulting in successful team working.

Open to Learning

Good teams have a culture of continuous learning and improvement. Team members are wide-open to new ideas, feedback, and constructive criticism. It indicates a growth mindset, which results in creativity when seeking opportunities and mastering new skills and knowledge.

This openness to learning fosters innovation and adaptability within the team.

Diverse Perspectives and Experiences

A successful team values diversity in perspectives and experiences. It brings together individuals with different backgrounds, expertise, and viewpoints. This diversity enriches discussions, encourages creative problem-solving, and leads to well-rounded decision-making.

Shared Culture

Developing the team can be done through shared values, norms, and positive work culture. Team members share a common understanding of expected behaviors, mutual respect, and collaboration. This shared culture promotes trust, cohesion, and effective communication within the team.

Responsibility and Accountability

A successful team takes ownership of its actions and outcomes. Each team member understands their responsibilities and is accountable for their performance. They take pride in their work and take proactive steps to fulfill their commitments. This sense of accountability ensures that people operate efficiently and builds effective teams.


How to build a successful team

Building a high-performing team requires a strategic approach and a supportive atmosphere. Let's explore essential strategies to build a team:

Set SMART goals

Clearly define the desired outcomes and break them down into separate smaller steps. This clarity provides direction and motivates people to unite toward common objectives.

Perform well-defined roles

Defining clear roles ensures everyone understands their position, responsibilities, and function. Communicate expectations, obligations, and areas of ownership. When everyone understands their specific contributions, it enhances efficiency and minimizes overlap or confusion.

Experiment regularly

Encouraging experimentation fosters a culture of experimentation within your team. Embrace exploring new approaches and innovative solutions and learning from successes and failures. This mindset nurtures creativity, adaptability, and continuous improvement when building a team.

Share a common culture

Cultivate a strong team culture that aligns with your organization's values and promotes collaboration, respect, and inclusivity. Help team members to connect, bond, and develop a team spirit. A shared culture enhances team dynamics and fosters a supportive work atmosphere.

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Communicate effectively

Effective communication is crucial for flourishing teamwork. Establish clear communication channels, encourage open dialogue, and provide regular feedback. Create a supportive atmosphere encouraging team members to freely share their ideas, express concerns, and provide suggestions. By fostering open and transparent communication, you enhance collaboration, foster stronger working relationships, and mitigate the risk of misunderstandings.

Welcome strong leadership

Strong leadership is vital for team success. Encourage and support leaders within your team who can offer guidance, mentorship, and support. A good leader inspires and motivates team members, fosters a productive atmosphere, and leads by example.

Value your team's diversity

Recognize and appreciate the diverse backgrounds and personalities of your team. Promote inclusivity and cultivate a welcoming environment where the ideas of every individual are treated with respect and appreciation. Embracing diversity fosters creativity and innovation and paves the way for unique and unconventional perspectives that can drive groundbreaking thinking.

Celebrate people's wins

Celebrating successes boosts morale, nurtures a culture of appreciation, and motivates team members to strive for excellence.

Provide development opportunities

A company that has highly qualified employees, with creative thinking, has a greater advantage over other ones. Continuous education is the main tool for developing the intellectual potential of an employee. Learning helps employees stay connected to the company’s larger goals. While they get an opportunity for skill development, the company can use their skills for profit maximization – a win-win situation for both!

We, at AcademyOcean have created a product with a help of which you will be able to increase employee awareness and improve their skills. We use our own academies for onboarding to bring everyone to the same page.

For example, we have a private internal academy only for employees and newcomers. It is called an “Inspiration academy” because it gives a first and general view of the company, explains the company's mission and values, reveals all of the working principles. For newcomers, it is the best way to start fitting in at the new workplace.

AcademyOcean academy about academies is another one we use for onboarding. Going through this course learners will find out what Academies are, what are the benefits of them, and how they are useful. During the working process, this academy will be a perfect tool for continuous education and skill development.

Besides, we have created academies that help learners in using certain tools. Zapier Academy, for instance, is about automation. It will teach how Zapier can help streamline processes by connecting apps and speeding up work through API, triggers, and actions. The second one is Gmail Academy. It will help improve skills in using Gmail. This academy was created for the general development of soft skills.

successful team

The stages of team development

The stages of team development encompass the different phases a team undergoes as it evolves and matures. These stages play a significant role in helping team members grasp the dynamics and challenges they may encounter throughout the journey. Let's delve into the typical stages of team development:

1. Formation

The formation stage is when team members come together and acquaint themselves with one another. Roles and responsibilities might be unclear during this phase, and there is often a sense of excitement and anticipation. Team members may look to the leader for guidance and direction.

2. Conflict Resolution

The conflict resolution stage involves conflicts and disagreements as team members assert their ideas and opinions. Power struggles and the need to establish individual identities within the team are common in this stage. Successful navigation of this phase requires effective communication and conflict-resolution skills.

3. Norm Establishment

Team members define norms, values, and shared goals in the norm establishment stage. They find ways to work cohesively, foster trust, and establish clear expectations. Collaboration and cooperation become more natural, and the team develops its unique identity.

4. Peak Performance

The peak performance stage is when the team reaches its highest level of productivity. Effective communication channels and trust have been established among team members. They work collaboratively, leveraging their strengths and skills to accomplish shared objectives. A strong sense of shared responsibility characterizes this stage.

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5. Transition and Closure

The transition and closure stage, or the "mourning" stage, occurs when the team disbands or moves on to new projects. During this phase, reflections on achievements occur, individual contributions are recognized, and farewells are bid. It is crucial to acknowledge the team's accomplishments and provide closure to team members during this stage.

Let’s conclude our reasoning with a quote from famous author Jon Gordon. 

“To build a winning team it’s essential to build a culture of caring.”
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