For Employee Onboarding — page 3

Read on to learn about employee onboarding, best ideas for onboarding new employees, and everything related to building strong relationships with employees and new hires
  |  6 min read
February 9, 2021

What HR software is a must in 2021 [Expert Opinion]?

We decided to research what types of HR tools will be in demand in 2021 and interviewed several HR experts. You will find out how this year, certain types of software can facilitate specialists' work and help accomplish specific tasks.

  |  7 min read
December 22, 2020

What improvements need the HR sphere in 2024? Ask our experts!

What specific areas in the HR industry need to be improved in the near future? We decided to find out the opinions of experts and share them with you.

  |  7 min read
December 1, 2020

What does not kill you makes you stronger!' What are the biggest challenges of working in HR in 2020 and 2021?

We interviewed several HR experts from different countries about what difficulties they usually face during their work. So read the article to the end to find all their answers.

  |  7 min read
November 10, 2020

HR evolution. Experts about the future development of HR.

The history of the HR sphere development from the very beginning of its inception. HR experts from different countries and companies tell how the HR sphere would change in 5 years.

  |  6 min read
October 21, 2020

How HR deals with COVID-19? Real cases from HR professionals from the USA and Europe

Read to find out how companies coped with the crisis during its peak and how the HR industry really changed after the coronavirus spread!

  |  10 min read
July 29, 2020

8 time-proved resources for hiring, onboarding, and managing remote development teams

Why do we need resources for hiring, onboarding, and managing remote development teams? All the answers and examples you will find in this article!

  |  7 min read
July 13, 2020

▷ Top 25 Facebook Groups for Human Resources Specialists from AcademyOcean

Looking for the best Facebook groups for HR professionals, recruiters and hiring managers? We've selected the best HR groups by geography and Top groups for jobs

  |  7 min read
July 1, 2020

Why does your company need technical skills training? How to build the perfect one? - For Employee Onboarding

Technical skills are vital for business growth and professional development of employees. Learn how to build the perfect technical skills training for your employees!

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  |  7 min read
May 26, 2020

How to train Customer Success & Service teams and achieve stunning results

Why do companies need Customer Success & Customer Service teams? The importance of Customer Success & Service team training. How to build a perfect team training program?

  |  5 min read
May 15, 2020

How to train your sales team and boost its success

Major mistakes in choosing training for the sales department. How can eLearning help you solve problems related to sales team training?

  |  4 min read
April 23, 2020

How to improve employee productivity during quarantine

Tips that will help you improve employee productivity during quarantine and motivate them to pursue your shared goals.

  |  7 min read
April 8, 2020

A comprehensive look into HR conferences in the era of Covid-19

How holding HR conferences was planned and what was changed after the spread of coronavirus. How Covid-19 influenced the conferences that have already held and those that are still planned.

  |  4 min read
March 31, 2020

Switching to 'Work From Home'? Best tips to keep employees safe and increase productivity

The world is changing. Most companies have been forced to switch to remote work. Check the best tips that will help you switch successfully.

  |  5 min read
November 22, 2019

The best HR conferences to attend in 2020

Look at the list of top HR conference 2020 and choose the one you will definitely attend.

  |  6 min read
September 16, 2019

Why companies need employee onboarding?

The lack of employee onboarding leads companies to spend ridiculous amounts of money on productivity reduction and employee turnover. Well organize onboarding increases employee engagement and keep them from resignation.

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