eLearning savings calculator
See how much money your company can save by switching from traditional to e-learning with AcademyOcean

See how much money your company can save by switching from traditional to e-learning with AcademyOcean
Savings from using e-learning over traditional training
First, let's get a general idea of how to calculate training costs.
Here are the key metrics to consider:
• The number of employees to be trained.
• Trainer's salary.
• Organizational costs like travel, accommodation, room rental, etc.
• Other additional costs related to your company's specs.
Indeed, online platforms such as AcademyOcean LMS will cut your training costs in half in the long term. Consider using our e-learning cost calculator above to find the exact amount of hard e-learning cost savings.
By the way, you can safely add savings on employee onboarding to the perks of online training. Check out The Employee Onboarding Calculator.
Travel costs can include a specialist coming to your office to train employees or travel fees for an employee to visit another location for training. And for companies operating globally or with offices in different cities, it's a considerable expense. Go digital! Online training makes it seamless to have access to knowledge and good trainers wherever they are. This is how your corporate academy might look:
This is one of the main points of saving money on e-learning. If there is not enough space in the company office to hold a live training, you are faced with the cost of booking a room for seminars and training sessions. And if training takes the whole day? Then you'll need to provide coffee breaks and snacks additionally.
E-learning courses will reduce company costs and make training comfortable and convenient for your employees.
AcademyOcean lets you quickly access learning materials anytime and from any device.
Switching to a digital learning platform means you no longer have to invest in textbooks or printouts. Just imagine, your employees getting available 24/7 training using their favorite gadgets.
And the company can use a once-created training program for each new employee at no additional cost.
The main goal of any employee training is to improve their skills and, as a result, boost performance. But how do you track this data offline? The most significant benefit of using an online platform for corporate training is data collection and analysis.
With AcademyOcean LMS, all tracking is automated and reports are generated instantly.
You can check information about your employees' progress at any time: how many courses they have taken, how successfully they passed the tests, what feedback they gave on the training program, etc. This will help you stop taking ineffective courses and find something else, avoiding wasting time and money.