Powerful Online LMS Course Creation Software

Showcase your stellar digital courses with AcademyOcean. Easy to make, easy to love

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Key benefits of AcademyOcean LMS for creating online courses

User-Friendly Interface
Whether you're building an online course, developing a training program, or creating e-learning content, our intuitive interface ensures a seamless experience.
Course Authoring Tools
Our toolset empowers content creators to build dynamic learning experiences, from designing multimedia-rich lessons to organizing assessments.
Multimedia Support
Make the learning experience more immersive and impactful using videos, images, audio files, PDFs and more.
Progress Tracking
Monitor individual learners' achievements, track completion rates, and measure engagement.
Analytics and Reporting
Detailed analytics to help you make informed decisions and enhance your online training programs.
Seamless Integrations
Our platform ensures smooth and efficient collaboration across different systems.
Branding & Customization
AcademyOcean allows you to personalize every platform aspect: from website design to interface text.

5 easy steps for turning your knowledge into amazing courses

Step 1

Create courses

Create professional content for any audience quickly and easily with no coding or technical expertise. Launch your first course in minutes with LMS course creation software!

Enhance your online courses by utilizing the power of video. Host video courses and offer live lessons directly through AcademyOcean.

Engage learners with rich multimedia content and allow them to participate in live lessons for real-time interaction and Q&A sessions.

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Video meetings and calendar options at AcademyOcean LMS

AcademyOcean course builder LMS empowers you to build a diverse and engaging learning experience. Use interactive files, such as videos, audio clips, links, GIFs, PDFs, embedded presentations, and more, to facilitate a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

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Multimedia content at AcademyOcean LMS

Set open dates for classes or entire courses. Allow learners to study at their own pace or on a schedule with a group. This flexibility accommodates diverse learning styles while still offering a sense of progression and community within your online training program.

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Lessons and courses settings at AcademyOcean LMS

Spark curiosity and captivate your audience with intriguing teasers. AcademyOcean LMS course creation tools enable you to create teasers that offer a glimpse of the valuable content and learning outcomes featured in your entire course.

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Teaser courses at AcademyOcean LMS

Step 2

Design your platform

Create online courses
Create online courses

Customize nearly everything, from the text on buttons to the certificates learners get

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branded landing page

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your domain

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custom interface

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learners portal themes

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Step 3

Transform your dream project into a business

Combine the best CRM, payment methods, communication tools, and anything you need using Zapier, APIs & Webhooks

Create online courses
Create online courses
Create online courses
Create online courses
Google Analytics

Step 4

Engage learners

Create a fun and enjoyable learner experience

Let the learners test their confidence and real skills by recording video/audio answers. Give them detailed feedback, allowing them to grow and achieve results

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Video answers

Each learner has their own personal portal where they can manage visual settings and check their learning roadmap

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Learner portal

Reward your learners with certificates and engage them in friendly competition with rankings

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Create online courses

Provide your students with unique value through feedback on assignments, prompts, and reviews. Make your course something they’ll remember

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Step 5

Analyze to improve

Take your business to greater heights by growing your audience or finding new ways to generate revenue


Why aren't learners completing courses, and how can you change that? Check the quality of your content with funnels and make improvements using the advanced course builder LMS.

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See overall statistics by course and test, or dive into each individual learner's card to see their scores

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Get a real-time picture of what's going on at your academy. Check out the geographical locations of learners, popular visit times, number of learners online, and more

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Who would benefit from using an Ultimate Online Course Creator

Everyone has something to teach or to share with others, especially in business


Whether you are a business owner, teacher, professor, influencer, or maybe you run an organization, the ability to create your online course to share your knowledge and expertise can be the key to success.

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Upskill your workers, broaden the audience, and introduce your partners and customers to your product or service—all this can be easily done with a reliable ecourse platform.

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Our unique online course builder allows creating of flexible learning courses, starting from customer onboarding up to training your brand professionals.

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Weʼre with you every step of the way

We make sure you have everything you need to succeed as a trainer and edupreneur

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Personal training sessions with Solution Consultants

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Access to a detailed academy all about AcademyOcean

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Live chat support on the Platform

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Designing Content For Courses With AcademyOcean Tools

AcademyOcean developed a comprehensive platform to create an online course of any complexity 


Create an online courses platform with our handy tools:

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Media library:  store and manage all of your courses and media.

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Quiz and Survey Creator: conveniently develop new courses and change existing ones.

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Branding customization: add your brand's logo, adjust the color scheme, and adapt other design elements. 

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Interactive elements: add flashcards, videos, and images, and arrange simulations to engage the learners.

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Gamification: use badges, points, and leaderboards to motivate learners and boost engagement.

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Quizzes, Certificates and more

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