Enhance Your Training Programs with AcademyOcean LMS learning & development leaders

See why choose AcademyOcean LMS for L&D management

Unlock Innovation in Learning with AI-Enhanced Courses

At AcademyOcean as LMS learning & development leaders, we offer interactive courses designed to captivate your learners. Our AI-powered content generation simplifies content creation and boosts engagement. Be the L&D leader who leverages cutting-edge technology to make learning dynamic and enjoyable.

In-built editor with rich format options

AI-powered content generation

SCORM compliance

L&D platform: Interactive course builder

Empower Individual Growth with Personalized Learning Paths

Unlock the potential of your learners with automated, personalized learning paths. AcademyOcean's tailored learning paths cater to each learner's unique needs. It's the road to individualized growth. Whether it's role-specific skills or personal development, we empower you to be the L&D leader who provides a custom roadmap for success.

L&D platform:Personalized Learning Paths

Learning Made Easy with Flexible Options

At AcademyOcean, we understand the importance of flexibility in training. Our LMS offers a range of options for learners, whether on a laptop, smartphone or in the workplace. We make learning easy by bringing it directly to your learners in the most convenient ways.

L&D platform: Mobile learning

Empower Your Leadership with Our L&D Software

Our L&D tools offer a user-friendly and dynamic approach to L&D management

Separate Training Portals

AcademyOcean's distinctive multi-portal capabilities set us apart from other L&D platforms. It empowers you to create distinct training spaces for specific groups within your organization. This simplifies delivering specialized training and resources, ensuring each audience's more tailored and effective learning experience.

Role-based access to editors, analysts, and curators

Branded and multilingual portals

Customized content to distinct audience segments

L&D platform: Separate Training Portals

Seamless Integration with CRM and SSO

We make integration seamless with powerful APIs and webhooks. AcademyOcean's LMS integrates smoothly with CRM systems and Single Sign-On (SSO) technologies. This ensures that your L&D efforts are well-supported by a connected ecosystem.

L&D platform: Integrations

Customization for Your Brand Identity

AcademyOcean LMS allows you to customize the interface to align with your brand identity. Enjoy the benefits of white labelling to create a branded learning environment, setting the stage for a cohesive and consistent L&D experience.

L&D platform: Customization & branding